
Discover in this book, what help is all about, the purpose of help, and revelations on the barriers to help as well as how to defeat them.
Connect with a spirit-filled and life changing prayer outline with scriptural revelations and prayer points ordained to generate testimonies and serve as a platform for activating the potent force of help from all sides in your life. This book contains over 120 Prayer points with relevant scriptures to launch you into the realms of attracting undeniable help from all sides.


This book is written  to empower you with scriptural revelations and prayer guide that will enhance your total victory, enforce your liberty, command your deliverance and empower you to take your place in destiny.
Discover in this book, revelational insights on 1. What deliverance really is 2. Who needs deliverance? 3. How to live and maintain a totally free life. 4. Scriptural prayer guides to deal with certain life issues and lots more. You shall surely command your total deliverance and liberty as you read.


This book is fully loaded with insights on how prayer plays a major role in breaking the hold of delay concerning fruitfulness and how to move from unfruitfulness to fruitfulness. Some of the revelations unveiled in this book are: – scriptural truths that authenticates fruitfulness as God’s agenda and program for his children, scriptural testimonies of how prayer broke the hold of barrenness, Prophetic Prayer bullets to destroy the strong hold of barrenness.